Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Scientists agree that climatic events such as storms and heavy rainfall could become more intense as the climate changes. New research suggest that global warming not only increases the likelihood of such events, but also leads to heater extremes in rainfall, making moves to tackle global warming and implement measures such as improved flood defences increasingly important. Global warming is now taking place, and recent flooding and heavy rainfall in parts of Europe highlight the increasing frequency of extreme weather events. Scientific understanding of how rain and other precipitation forms is limited, as the ability to model these processes in global and regional climate models.

This is kind of frightening because the everyday items we use are causing things to fall apart, and if we keep using them just as much as we do now or even more than that, then the results will be disasterous. We should really watch what we do to make sure that it doesn't get to far out of hand, to were we can't change it back.

Friday, October 3, 2008

A real bionic women!

This story is about an ex-Marine who lost her arm in a motorcycle wreck. They failed to reconnect her real arm. So instead they attached a fake arm on her nub, along with her motor, and sensory nerves!

I think the  story sounds pretty amazing! I just think that if we are doing this kind of stuff now just think about what's going to happen in the future! It's mind-blowing!